Get Ready For The Epic 'Ring Of Fire' Annular Solar Eclipse Of October 2023 With This Epic NASA Trailer (Video)

A spectacular celestial event is coming soon to the skies of North and South America.

On Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, a “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse will occur, creating a stunning sight for millions of observers. NASA has released a thrilling trailer to get you excited about this rare phenomenon and to show you how to watch it safely.

An annular solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, but is too far away to completely cover the sun’s disk. Instead, it leaves a thin ring of bright sunlight around the moon’s silhouette, creating the illusion of a fiery ring in the sky. This is different from a total solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun entirely and casts a dark shadow on the Earth.

The annular eclipse of Oct. 14 will be visible from a narrow path that stretches from Oregon to Texas in the U.S. and then continues through Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. The path of annularity, where the ring of fire can be seen, will be about 125 miles (200 kilometers) wide and will last for up to 4 minutes and 30 seconds at each location.

Outside the path of annularity, a partial solar eclipse will be visible to a much larger area, including most of North America and northern South America. A partial eclipse occurs when the moon covers only a part of the sun, creating a crescent-shaped sun in the sky.

The annular eclipse will begin at 8:06 a.m. PDT (11:06 a.m. EDT or 1506 GMT) in Oregon and end at 12:30 p.m. CDT (1:30 p.m. EDT or 1730 GMT) in Texas. The partial eclipse will start about an hour before and end about an hour after the annular phase in each location. You can check the exact times and locations for your area using NASA’s interactive map.

To watch the eclipse safely, you need to use special eye protection designed for solar viewing, such as eclipse glasses or filters. Looking directly at the sun without proper protection can cause permanent eye damage or blindness. Do not use sunglasses, binoculars, telescopes, cameras, or other devices that are not equipped with solar filters.

If you are not in the path of the eclipse or if the weather is cloudy, you can still enjoy this amazing event online. NASA will provide live broadcast coverage on Oct. 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. EDT (1530-1715 UTC) on NASA TV,, the NASA app, and YouTube. You can also follow NASA on social media for updates and images from the eclipse.

The annular eclipse of Oct. 14 will be the first one visible from the U.S. since 2012 and the last one until 2028. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness one of nature’s most awe-inspiring shows.

