
17-Year-Old Student Discovers A New Planet On The Third Day Of Internship At NASA

Behold! These Are The Clearest Images of Jupiter Ever Taken

NASA Recorded The Sun For 10 Years Straight And The Video Is Incredible

The 'Big Flip' Is Upon Us: Earth’s Magnetic Field is Dramatically Shifting Over Africa

Astronomers Have Just Discovered The Largest Galaxy Ever, And It Will Break Your Brain

This Simple 3-Minute Animation Will Change Your Perception Of Time Forever

This Amazing Video Shows How Big Space Really Is, Warning: It Will Make You Feel Extremely Small

First Images of Rivers and Lakes on Titan!

Behold! Hubble Space Telescope Captures A Galaxy Ripping Solar Systems From Another Galaxy

It's official: Saturn Is Losing Its Iconic Rings And They're Disappearing Much Faster Than Previously Anticipated

Harvard Scientist: Our Universe May Have Been Created In A Lab By 'Advanced Technological Civilization'

Astronomers Find A Potential 'Major Planet' Orbiting A Dead Star That Can Support Life For At Least 1 Billion Years Into The Future

Astronomers Discover 'One In A Million' Super-Earth With an Earth-Like Orbit