
For the first time ever, astroпomers captµre a baby plaпet carviпg oµt a home for itself

Stars eat their planets, and spit them back out again- New research reveals

NASA has discovered an 'ocean world' where one year lasts just 11 days

In three years, 2 enormous Black holes will collide, and we’ll be abe to witness it from Earth

NEWS🚨:The discovery of the largest galaxy ever shocks the researchers

James Webb Telescope captures the same galaxy at three different points in time in a single mind-boggling image

One planet loses its atmosphere as two planets collide in outer space

Uranus blasted a gas bubble 22,000 times bigger than Earth

This is the most accurate image of an atom

BREAKING : Astronomers just discovered an extreme supermassive black hole lurking at the edge of the universe

Astronomers discover a mysterious object being dragged into the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center

BREAKING🚨: Astronomers Find First Ever Star With A Solid Surface

NEWS🚨: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope just discovered six massive galaxies at the edge of the Universe that are so old they shouldn't EXIST