
The Moon Has Enough Oxygen to Sustain 8 Billion People For 100,000 Years

NASA Has Just Announced That Jupiter’s Moon IO Has Started To Send The Juno Probe Messages

Earth Rang Like a Bell for 20 Minutes, And Nobody Knows Why

Australian Physicists Have Proved That Time Travel is Possible

Astronomers Just Captured New Image Of Solar Systems Colliding Inside Galaxies Revealing The Epic Fate Of Our Milky Way

This Is Huge: China grew a plant on the moon — it sprouted two leaves

The Big Flip Is Upon Us: Earth’s Magnetic Field is Dramatically Shifting Over Africa

A Giant Galaxy Orbiting Our Own Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

'Immortality Is My Goal': 11-Year-Old Boy Gets Bachelor’s Degree In Physics

Ground-Breaking Research Finds 11 Multidimensional Universe Inside the Human Brain

Scientists Turn Nuclear Waste Into Self-Powered Diamond Batteries That Could Last For Thousands Of Years

Astronomers Accidentally Discover Black Hole So Big You Can Spot It With A Backyard Telescope

Uranus Opens And Closes Daily To Let Out Planet’s Hot Wind, Study Finds